Splint upper limbs up to 60% faster with our pre-cut splints that require minimal prep and no clean-up.
Free up bottleneck capacity by using Woodcast in the operating room.
Unlike plaster, fiberglass and plastic casts, Woodcast contains no toxins, irritants or dusts.
You don't need to watch out for stains and cleaning after.
Our material puts the focus on treating the patient and away from dealing with water and mess.
Sleep better when you know that gnawing on the splint isn't going to poison the animal.
Woodcast works anywhere with electricity – no faucets, sinks, or special ventilation needed.
The average hospital saves 500 kg waste and 10,000 liters of water by using Woodcast.
Splinting should be safe, simple and effective. That’s why Woodcast only contains two well-researched ingredients.
We use Woodcast for all applications. It's easy to use and remould. It took some time to get used to the material, but after several weeks it became easier.
This splinting material is a delight to use. In the short time I have been using the material, it has proven versatile, clean and remarkably easy to apply.
We have been using Woodcast for several years. We need splints in many sizes for different animals and applications, and Woodcast has been working well for our purposes – we teach it to all new veterinary medicine students.